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You've never seen a preneed experience like this.

We created the world’s best in-person selling software that anyone in your funeral home can use to close in just one meeting – no profit-sharing required.

The membership-based preneed insurance collective with the highest commissions, strongest growth rates, and best pre-planning experience in the death care industry.

Get in Touch

Prelude is:

A pre-planning tool backed by Great Western, a top insurance carrier

An intuitive software for in-person appointments, putting your team in control

Industry-leading rates which you receive in full

Prelude is not:

Traditional preneed experience

A remote planning website

A revolving door of salespeople or a middleman sharing your profits

3x your preneed profit in 12 months

Without the need for layers of pre-planning administrators and third-party salespeople, you keep what you earn on preneed – no hidden fees or hefty payouts.

Plus,  we provide the best commission and growth rates in the industry, so you earn even more per preneed.

*92% higher average commissions based on industry average of 12%
higher commissions on avg.

Prelude users average 23% commission.  100% of which goes in their pocket.

Members Report

Higher Close Rates

Grow Average 
Face Values

Highest Growth Rates in the Industry

Up to 3.8% growth rate on every policy.

See how much you could earn with Prelude.

Prelude offers some of the industry’s highest commission rates on preneed policies.

*National average commission rate currently offered by competitors is 7%
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You could earn $-- in additional commissions each year by using Prelude.

Ready to see for yourself?
Reach out today!

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We’ve reimagined the facilitated pre-planning experience.

Prelude’s pre-planning software puts you in the driver’s seat with an intelligent digital assistant riding shotgun.

“Great preneed product! Customer service is fantastic and super supportive. I would definitely recommend it.”
– Tiffany Cooper-Aguilar, Aguilar Funeral Services